

15th Emirates Critical Care Conference

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center is the official Partner for Rehabilitation & Long-term Care for the 15th Emirates Critical Care…

1st Fujairah ICU Symposium

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center sponsors 1st Fujairah Intensive Care Symposium Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center (CMRC), the UAE’s premium…

13th SEHA International Pediatric Conference

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center is the Diamond Sponsor for 13th SEHA International Pediatric Conference Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center…

6th Annual TVM Capital Healthcare Investors Conference

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center participates in the 6th Annual TVM Capital Healthcare Investors Conference Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center…

3rd Annual MENA Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Congress

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center sponsors the 3rd Annual MENA Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Congress Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center…

Rehabilitation Long-term & Homecare Symposium

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center sponsors the Rehabilitation, Long-term & Homecare Conference as the Grand Sponsor Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation…

1st Tawam Case Management Symposium

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center partners with Tawam hospital for its first Case Management Symposium Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center…

CCAD Neuroscience Meeting

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitaion Center sponsoring the Neuroscience Meeting Series for Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi in 2018 Cambridge Medical and…

GCC Patient Experience Summit

Dr. Howard, Group CEO, received “Arab’s Patient Experience Leader of 2018” in the GCC Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center (CMRC),…

CMRC ICU Symposium

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center organized ICU Rehab Symposium 2018, The symposium was locally accredited by Dubai Health Authority (DHA)…

GCC Home healthcare sector to hit USD 4.5 billion by 2020

Investment in specialized rehabilitation and long-term outpatient facilities needed to cope with demand The market is seeing a move to…


يتقدم مركز كامبريدج للطب وإعادة التأهيل بأطيب التمنيات بالسلام والمحبة والتبريكات بمناسبة ذكرى مولد نبينا ورسولنا سيدنا محمد صلى عليه وسلم #المولد_النبوي

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center extends its heartfelt wishes of peace, love, and blessings, on the occasion of the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him

تابعوا سلسلة مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا التي تسلط الضوء على الدور المحوري #للعلاج_الطبيعي في #إعادة_تأهيل_المريض وكيف يمكننا مساعدة المرضى #اليوم_العالمي_للعلاج_الطبيعي

#نحن_معك_دائماً #أبوظبي_مجتمع_معافي #أبوظبي #العين

Follow our video series highlighting the pivotal role of physiotherapy in #patient #rehabilitation and how we can help patients #World_Physiotherapy_Day

#A_Healthier_AbuDhabi #AbuDhabi #alain

تابعوا سلسلة مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا التي تسلط الضوء على الدور المحوري #للعلاج_الطبيعي في #إعادة_تأهيل_المريض وكيف يمكننا مساعدة المرضى #اليوم_العالمي_للعلاج_الطبيعي

#نحن_معك_دائماً #أبوظبي_مجتمع_معافي #أبوظبي #العين

Follow our video series highlighting the pivotal role of physiotherapy in #patient #rehabilitation and how we can help patients #World_Physiotherapy_Day

#A_Healthier_AbuDhabi #AbuDhabi #alain