
Press Releases

Mechanical Ventilation: Important facts in the era of COVID-19

In late 2019, a virus that belongs to the family of coronaviruses that could cause anything in between common cold…

Abdullah Jayoul, a success story from dependence to weaning from Mechanical Ventilation

On the 18th of March, 2020; a new day started at Cambridge Medical & Rehabilitation Center when Mr. Abdallah was…

CMRC Saudi Arabia, a state-of-the-art rehabilitative hospital in the Eastern Province of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is fully operational

In Q2 2019, Cambridge Medical & Rehabilitation, the UAE’s leading post-acute rehabilitation and long-term care facility, announced the opening of…

A success story for serving the community in the UAE

In 2012 -2013 when there was a void in post-acute care services for patients after encountering injuries or life-changing health…

The Diamond sponsor for the 14th version of SEHA

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center has come forward to assume a leadership role by sponsoring the 14th edition of the…

Abdullah, an Emirati youth, a beacon of hope and a success story

On August 11, 2018, a 17-year-old Abdullah Al Mehrezi, being bedridden and developing spasticity in all four limbs due to…

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center (CMRC) Admits First Patients to Its New Saudi Facility

The 60-bed medical facility provides the most recent rehabilitation care in line with 2030 Vision where the Health Sector in…

Cambridge Medical & Rehabilitation Center re-accreditation by JCI for a gold standard of care

December 2018: Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center, on December 13th, 2018 achieved the Gold Seal of Approval from Joint Commission International…


اليوم نتحدّ معاً في #اليوم_العالمي_للشلل_الدماغي، حيث نحتفل بالأبطال الرائعين الذين يسعون إلى غدٍ أكثر إشراقاً

Today, we unite for #WorldCerebralPalsyDay, celebrating remarkable members striving for a brighter tomorrow

اليوم نحتفي بـ #اليوم_العالمي_لسلامة_المريض تأكيداً على التزامنا بوضع سلامة مرضانا من أهم أولوياتنا دائمًا، لأنها أساس كل ما نقوم به. #أبوظبي #العين

Today, we celebrate #World_Patient_Safety_Day as a reminder that patient safety is always our top priority, forming the foundation of everything we do. #AbuDhabi #alain

يتقدم مركز كامبريدج للطب وإعادة التأهيل بأطيب التمنيات بالسلام والمحبة والتبريكات بمناسبة ذكرى مولد نبينا ورسولنا سيدنا محمد صلى عليه وسلم #المولد_النبوي

Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center extends its heartfelt wishes of peace, love, and blessings, on the occasion of the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him