
Total Knee Replacement

Total Knee Arthoplasty (TKA) or Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is a orthopedic surgical procedure in which damaged parts of the knee joint are replaced with artificial parts. The main clinical reason for the operation is osteoarthritis (OA). Knee OA is set to increase in UAE and other countries in the Gulf region because of ageing populations and ever increasing prevalence of obesity. Pain is the main complaint of patient, due to pain and stiffness, function can decline and is manifests as reduced exercise tolerance, difficulty climbing stairs or slopes, reduced gait speed and increased risk of falls.

Occupational Therapy Management

The OT helps an individual develop skills that will aid in daily activities and promote independent living. OT will instruct you on the following during your hospital stay: Lower body dressing Sitting Standing Bed transfers Bedside commode transfers Tub bench/shower transfers Equipment.
OT Ensures that you have all of the necessary equipment needed for your return home. OT often visit clients before they are admitted for surgery to ensure that their equipment package is installed at home and they are fully familiar with its use for when they are discharged. Providing support following discharge to facilitate the rehabilitation process. This may include recommending new techniques for washing or dressing, using the stairs, getting in and out of the car or carrying out daily activities in the safest and most energy-conserving way possible.

Physical Therapy Management


The PT teach the patient the exercises before surgery in order that the patient might understand the procedures and, after surgery, be ready to do exercises program.


Most important role of physiotherapists in the management of patients following TKA is facilitating mobilization within 48 hours of surgery, sometimes as early as the same day as the operation (Day 0). The optimal physical therapy protocol should also include strengthening and intensive functional exercises given through land-based or aquatic programs, that are progressed as the patient meets clinical and strength milestones.